Saturday, May 14, 2011

The First Thing You Need to Know about Making Money on the Internet

Pat O'Bryan is one of those successful marketers who not only makes a great living but loves what he is doing to help others. When asked for the number one thing people should know when they start, he got down and dirty.

He says, "If you’re not making enough money to take care of your own needs, you internet business is a hobby. So, let’s just stipulate here that a primary function of your new Internet Marketing business is to make money. Enough money so that you’ve got the freedom to love, think, feel, travel, study, and play.

Here’s a basic truth. If you’re an Internet Marketer, it’s ok to market. It’s part of our name, for gosh sakes. Keep your eye on that- at some point, you’re going to have to ask somebody to spend some money. If you’re doing it right, when they do spend money, you’ll get some of it."

Getting over the fear or criticism of selling is the #1 thing you have to do. We are all sales people, whether it's convincing out parents to buy us a new toy as a child or convincing our boss to turn over a big project to us, we're all selling something. We live in a capitalistic society that has an economy of sales. Even if you're just recommending a product to a friend, you are selling. The new economy is all about getting paid for what you're already selling. That new book you just read and loved, you tell everybody about it. You do it out of enthusiasm, but wouldn't it be nice if you got paid something if they decided to buy that book? Well, just join Amazon Affiliates, post the books you love on your website, and if people buy them, you'll get paid something for your efforts.

This is the basis of the new economy - word of mouth advertising. In this giant land of cyberspace, how will you know if a product is good. You just see a picture of it, get a little preview, but do you presonally know someone who has tried it? If you do, you go ask them about it, don't you? So, that's what affiliate marketing is about, recommending products and people you already love and getting paid for it. It's just that simple and basic. Of course, there's more to it than that, but it's easy, fun and should start to pay you as you get more familiar with how to present it.

Here's Pat O'Bryan's article on the subject: - The First Thing You Need to Know About Internet Marketing.

Click the book cover to get your FREE copy from Amazon. 
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